Monday, February 7, 2011

This week's verse...

I know you only had one class period last week due to snow, but you KNOW the end of that verse was easy!  So, we are moving on.  This week's verse is some great advice from Proverbs:

He who walks with the wise grows wise,
but a companion of fools suffers harm.
(Proverbs 13:20, NIV)

My fact is this verse in a different version.  In The Message (remember, it is a modern day paraphrase of the Bible), this verse reads:

Become wise by walking with the wise;
 hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces. 
(Proverbs 13:20, The Message)

Now, that's good advice!!  Sounds a bit like that quote we use in Values, which I am sure came from this thought.  Remember "He who rides with the outlaws, dies with the outlaws!"??  Okay, find me some facts. 


  1. To us, this verse is talking about choosing your friends wisely, because they have a huge impact on your behavior, language, and pretty much your whole life. You need to choose your friends wisely, otherwise, you will go down. To middle schoolers, many just want to be popular, and hang out with the wrong crowd. That is completely normal, but it is not the right thing to do. God always wants us to do the right thing, so we need to choose good friends that will help us get to heaven.

    -Kara and Corbett

  2. We think this verse means if you choose good friends you will prosper, but if you choose bad friends you will have bad things happen to you.

    Caroline and Ellie

  3. The word Proverbs means comparrison, and this book is meant to provoke thought and thinking. These verses are in the Bible so that when we read them we think about our lives and how we're living them. These verses help us decide and make choices that will be the wise and good. God is telling us how he wants us to live through the book of Proverbs and if we live this way we will lead happy and righteous lives. If we do not, we will only hurt ourselves and the ones around us that we love and care about. God wants us to live the best lives we can before we join him in heaven because he loves us. He created the book of Proverbs to help guide us through life.
    Livia and Caroline Go

  4. According to the prologue, Proverbs was written to give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young, and to make the wise even wiser.

    Trent and Jalen
